hello! this is a test code for coding practice. make yourself at home if you found this.

some little notes go below...

structure your pages so that the h1 element is always the main heading, its sub-headings are h2, their sub-headings are h3, etc
remember that block level elements like p cannot be put in inline elements like strong or em!

bolded and italicised!

example of a line
break :3

heres a basic paragraph with all applied:
hello! do you want to sing a song? its quite simple! here we go!
la la laaa

here is a link, using attributes! make sure to include the https
you can also link to your files by doing this :D

using identifiers you can quickly link to a specific spot on your page

to insert an image do this
make sure to avoid hotlinking!

use title for text on hover


  1. you can also make an
  2. ordered list like so
  3. and even place
    • other kinds of lists!
definition lists
this is a definition list, dl starts the list, dt is the term, and this is the definition
you can make multiple definitions in one list
like so!!!
last one

tables oh god

this is a header row
and these are simple data cells under the headers
you can make multiple... rows with these... like so...

and these attributes stretch over the specified cells
name stretch detail
name2 detail2
name3 detail3

css shenanigans

this is normal text, but this is red text.
you can use a class to apply the css of it to anything in these brackets.

a general principle is that your class and id names should describe the meaning and function of the element rather than the styling, so instead of calling a highlight text "red", title it "highlight"
this makes sure that if you prefer your highlight being in a different color, you only need to change said color and not the name of the element

these css properties pertain to styling text;

you should have fun with it, and try to tinker with different css when you can!

like this!